About The Author
About The Author
steve nathanson Writter
According to the author becoming a grandfather was the single greatest accomplishment of his life. The book was written as a gift to his first granddaughter Abigail. He also has 2 other grandchildren that were born after the start of the book. Jack and Avery The author has included family names throughout the book as a way of keeping the family alive forever. He recognizes his spouse, Grammy, his daughter and son -in-law, Nicole and Tim, his son and daughter-in-law doc. BrIan and nurse Megan his 4 cousins, Autumn Meadow, Willow and Hudson Logan. His nephews and niece, David Danny Avi and Jiam. His dogs Bentley, Marley, Zeena and Jeeter. Also, GG Abigail’s great Grandma Rhoda as well as big Pop’s parents Bill and Eeedee and nurse Megan’s mom, Jane. He misses the 3 tremendously. Coach Steve is a family man who coached youth Soccer for 25 years.

What People Say
My children loved The Hemples Story. They read it every night before bedtime.”